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This time that's your excuse for yelling about giant scrotum, but what about all the other times?
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Toot toot! Go the trumpets!
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Hey! If you want a signed Bea Wolf or A City on Mars, or Soonish, *or* Phil Plait's new book Under Alien Skies, buy here.
Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Bottleneck
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He did a similar thing with dinosaurs but it got way out of hand.
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BAHFest! London! Saturday! With the Ig Nobels! Nerdiest night of the year, I promise. Tickets already 2/3 gone, so buy soon!
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I too commit the fundamental attribution error!
Today's News:
Hey geeks, last day to buy A City on Mars during launch week. Purchases now really help us, so if you were going to buy, we appreciate it happening soon. I am looking forward to a day when it is not incumbent on me to be annoying about this stuff!
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Anyone know if there's a case of partial application of law of the sea?
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Come see me! BAHFest London, this Saturday, one night only.
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We'll also be doing a bunch of author signings if you can make it before the show.
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Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Teleporter
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Just a few more and I can do a book of teleporter humor.
Today's News:
I've spent the last month promoting stuff here, so this is just a reminder to you that it's just me over here and I hate having to promote products. Please enjoy the comics and feel free to ignore everything else. <3 Zach
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I feel there's a lot of money in an app where, when you skip exercise, it projects your future body slightly degrading.
Today's News:
We did it! ACOM is an NYT bestseller. Thanks everyone - this'll help us get a bit more shelf-space, which is rare for giant pop sci tomes. If you want a signed copy, or a copy of Bea Wolf signed, you can get them at no extra charge at my favorite local shop, HelloComics.
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God runs a comedy club in heaven and everyone is obligated to laugh at his disturbingly alien sense of humor.
Today's News:
Thanks to everyone who came for BAHFest and congrats to our winner of the Hennig Brand trophy, Esther Redhouse-White.
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If you write a paper against that paper you're -2, which is why negative even Erdos numbers are more prized.
Today's News:
Whew! Still traveling but trying to keep my update schedule sorta OK.
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When I think of altruism, I think of guys selling apocalypse gold on youtube.
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St. Peter just taps the crudely drawn No Girls Allowed sign made by God.
Today's News:
Whoever made the A City on Mars wikipedia entry, bless you. Now when people argue against stuff that we didn't actually say, I'm just linking to the page.
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We're in this really awkward stage where sapient life is possible, but it'll pass.
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The frustrating thing is when she's trying to get her crack but it's at the bottom of the purse under the boxes of tissues, pocket bible, and coupon books.
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Sorry for the missed updates, but I am at last home! For those who missed the book tour, you can still get signed copies here.
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Written after enjoying the delightfully controversial book Status and Culture.
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Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Transition
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I'm back to drawing after 2 weeks off and so let me just say that the hands will not be proportionate and accurate for at least 6 more months.
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Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Generivory
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I'm actually surprised no weird economist is pushing this somewhere.
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Do you want to do EVERYTHING right or do you want to have FRIENDSHIP?
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By 2026, it's just all teleporter comics.
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This will be written one day when a traveler comes upon the ruins of Ohio.
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