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[#] Thu Jan 11 2024 16:59:46 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Lion

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[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 18:48:28 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Meaning

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The good news is that it's the default setting for all universes that come after this one.

Today's News:

[#] Sat Jan 13 2024 22:17:28 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Ideology

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I know the hatemail is coming, but I can't tell from whom...

Today's News:

[#] Sun Jan 14 2024 21:15:56 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Jump

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You would just watch your friends jump off a cliff and do NOTHING?

Today's News:

[#] Mon Jan 15 2024 16:10:56 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Candy

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Bet if you get close to those peppermints they're covered with dead flies.

Today's News:

[#] Tue Jan 16 2024 20:06:51 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - After

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If you don't have a drink ticket, you have to get a job.

Today's News:

[#] Thu Jan 18 2024 14:44:27 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - LLM

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Also rationality developed entirely to rationalize your own behavior. Its use in mathematics is incidental.

Today's News:

[#] Fri Jan 19 2024 21:39:51 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Farming Life

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Try to get the feudal lord before he gets to plaguey.

Today's News:

[#] Fri Jan 19 2024 21:38:19 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Am

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There is no Steve-in-Itself! There's not even a thing that believes it is Steve, now help me decide what's for dinner!

Today's News:

[#] Sat Jan 20 2024 13:19:38 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - All

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Happy family life, productive work life, and worldwide hegemony.

Today's News:

Nice review of our space book in WSJ.

[#] Sun Jan 21 2024 21:03:02 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - End

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Kelly didn't think this was funny but who cares what she's thinking about AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT

Today's News:

Article by me and Kelly, featuring macroeconomics, history, and cows on Mars.

[#] Mon Jan 22 2024 22:04:16 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Flesh

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I don't need your life story, I need to know how much lemon to put in this man-tartare!

Today's News:

[#] Tue Jan 23 2024 17:41:57 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Consciousness

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Now, realize there is no Self. Only insane monkey who can't reach the breaks.

Today's News:

[#] Wed Jan 24 2024 17:25:21 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - War

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This is why I don't let my wife purchase ricin.

Today's News:

[#] Thu Jan 25 2024 16:37:58 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Paw

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Not usually a cat-joke guy, but at least it's only about 4% of a cat.

Today's News:

[#] Sat Jan 27 2024 17:05:28 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Victorians

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Everyone thinks the Victorians were polite, but Dickens' corpus is basically 14,000 pages of talking shit.

Today's News:

[#] Sun Jan 28 2024 18:58:25 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Cuffed

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The weird part is how she's levitating 6 feet off the ground.

Today's News:

[#] Sun Jan 28 2024 19:54:44 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Leaderless

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You can send me hatemail, but you have to get organized first.

Today's News:

[#] Mon Jan 29 2024 18:54:29 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Singed

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Actually if you can run the trolley into ALL humans, the notion of sadness ceases to have meaning, so it's all good.

Today's News:

Fun interview about A City on Mars with Jordan Harbinger.

[#] Tue Jan 30 2024 23:41:19 UTC from rss <>

Subject: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Best

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Is it time? Is it time for a book of these?

Today's News:

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